geropsych pearls
Who are you?
Susan Saboe Rose, PhD, GCNS-BC, PMHNP-BC, ARNP is a gerontologist and psychiatric NP with a special interest in memory disorders. She received her doctorate from the University of Arizona, during which she completed dual clinical traineeships in Neurogeriatrics and Geropsychiatry through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr Rose is board-certified as a gerontological clinical specialist and a psychiatric NP. She serves as faculty for medical residents and NP students.
Dr Rose serves on medical staff for Legacy Medical Group in Portland OR and also has a consulting practice in Vancouver WA.
Standard disclaimer:
The opinions and advice expressed on this website are my own. They are not endorsed or reflective of any organization. These recommendations and clinical tidbits are offered freely for the sole benefit of clinicians who may find them useful. They are not binding, and they are not a substitute for clinical judgment.
Oh, yeah, and they might not always be right. You know how things change. Caveat emptor, as they say.